My passion has long been to help others find their path in life. This blog exists to help you develop mindsets for living with presence, working with purpose and discovering life’s possibilities.
But let’s get more specific. Here’s the what, why and how of this blog.
What is it?
Every week, I’ll publish a new post with actionable insights for living with integrity and intention: letting the light of your own core values illuminate the path of an authentic, joyful life.
I’m not an expert by any means: I’m just here to swap notes from my own journey.
Why am I writing it?
I’ve always felt the need for my time and effort to be given in the service of important problems, and the problem of lacking direction, especially young people who see no path in life, is very close to my heart. You can read my personal story to learn more about that.
So I’ve begun a journey of digital entrepreneurship, in order to direct my efforts more purposefully. This blog is the first step on a long journey towards social enterprise, and a project for putting into practice everything I learn about marketing and content creation, as well as about mindset and growth.
How am I going about it?
I believe my values need to reflect in everything I do and make. For this blog, I have some specific intentions.
- Producing content that’s sincere, authentic, and the best quality I can produce. Wholesome, uplifting and worth sharing, and wholly original: no reworded top Google results, ghostwriters or AI.
- Drawing organic traffic through content creation and search results. No advertising or obnoxious tactics to draw attention. And no manipulative sales tactics, anything to make you feel pressured or that you need something you don’t.
- Participating in an ethical economy by avoiding unfair trade practices like exploitative outsourcing, deceptive pricing and artificial scarcity, and refusing to work with companies engaged in such, while favouring fledgling, local and sustainable businesses.